Michelle O’Neill has kicked sand in the face of victims of terrorism

Michelle O’Neill in 2017 at a commemoration for four IRA terrorists killed at Clonoe in 1992Michelle O’Neill in 2017 at a commemoration for four IRA terrorists killed at Clonoe in 1992
Michelle O’Neill in 2017 at a commemoration for four IRA terrorists killed at Clonoe in 1992
A letter from a victim of terror, Edward O’Neill:

Think about this for a second.

Just one second.

A potential leader of Northern Ireland has gone on record and said that the murder of thousands, the maiming of tens of thousands, the destruction of lives, property and businesses, the grooming of thousands of young men and women to become involved in terrorism was justified by a gang of terrorists.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

She has said that the countless number of empty seats at tables means nothing.

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Michelle O’ Neill claims to be a first minister for all. Nothing further from the truth I am afraid.

She has kicked sand in the face of every victims and survivor of terrorism and said their suffering means nothing to her.

Northern Ireland can never move on when attitudes like this prevail.

I find it frightening and disturbing that she continues to refer to decades of violence as a war!

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If it was a war then many members of IRA/Sinn Fein should be rightly prosecuted for war crimes at The Hague because that is exactly what their crimes amount to.

Edward O Neill, Survivor of UVF bomb attack , Dublin 17th May 1974